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Friday 31 January 2014


Weird Pokedex entry!

Slowpoke #79
entry:unlike ponyta and rapidash, slowpoke does NOT like to move. everything about it is SLOW SLOW SLOW... and dopey. it takes slowpoke an average of five seconds to realize its in pain! to evolve slowpoke, blah blah bah... e.t.c.

Now whats weird is what i highlighted. it this true? no. but if it was real, slowpoke would be OP (over powered)! beacause, battles would turn out like this...

'bulbasaur! vine whip!'
bulbasaur vine whips slowpoke
'quick! slowpoke! the death psychic attack (lol)!'
'what? slowpoke lives?'
slowpoke kills bulbasaur
'but its been seven seconds so...'
slowpoke dies


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